Guarana or Guaraná (pronounced gwa-ra-‘naa), Paullinia cupana (syn. P. crysan, P. sorbilis), is a shrub or small tree in the Sapindaceae family, native to Venezuela and Northern Brazil. The seed of the Guaraná fruit is a central nervous system stimulant with thermogenic and diuretic properties.
Guaraná plays an important role in Tupi and Guaraní Brazilian culture. The name ‘guaraná’ is derived from the Tupi-Guarani word wara’ná. These tribes believed it to be magical, a cure for bowel complaints and a way to regain strength. They also tell the myth of a ‘Divine Child’.
Human Consumption:
Guaraná seeds are toasted and ground into a fine brownish dark powder. Water is added to it turning the powder into a paste. It is then kneaded and shaped into sticks which become dark red after drying. This Guaraná sticks are then grated and used to prepare beverages mainly used for its muscular and mental stimulant effects.
Caffeine is the main active component found in Guaraná seeds, a methylzanthine that imparts functional activities as stimulant and general tonic to this plant.
Tannins found in Guaraná have astringent properties, which make it useful in diarrhea treatment. Guaraná has also been used by sportsmen to improve body performance and endurance to required efforts.
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Iris Trade Inc.
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Forest Hills, NY 11375 USA
Tel: (718) 793.2367
Fax: (718) 480-1923
Iris Trade is an import and export company that emphasizes in the Brazilian, Chinese, European and American markets. Iris Trade also acts as Reseller, Trader, Merchant, Logistics Agent and Distributor of choice for some of the largest worldwide manufacturers of industrial products as well as produced raw materials.
Iris Naturals International is a division of Iris Trade, which specializes in functional ingredients, servicing the cosmoceutical, nutraceutical, pharmaceutical and dietary supplement industries. It is now expanding to offer not only a new line of high quality Brazilian Rain Forest but also Chinese raw materials to be used in the products for human consumption and dermatologic applications.